Dinner with Matt and Dana

Our son Matthew, called on Thursday to say that he and his girl friend Dana would come up Saturday night for a visit. I love when he comes home just to hang.

Dinner needed to be something easy since I was working Saturday.

I presalted a couple of nice thick Prime Rib steaks Friday night. They were
left to air dry in the fridge all day yesterday. Rubbed with lots of garlic and coarse black pepper and grilled. Served with fresh green beans, roasted potatoes, cauliflower and cherry tomatoes sauted with garlic and tossed with fresh basil. Thankfully they both like their meat rare.

Dessert was also easy. I still had some of last years blackberries in the freezer so I baked a Blackberry cobbler before leaving for work.

Blackberry Cobbler

Home Cookin Chapter: Recipes From Thibeault’s Table

Blackberry Cobbler
1/2 cup butter
1 cup white sugar
1 cup flour
3/4 cup of milk
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups blackberries
extra sugar to sprinkle on top

Heat oven to 350°F.
Melt butter in small baking dish.
Mix flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder together. Stir in milk. Pour in melted butter and stir to blend. Pour back into baking dish. Sprinkle blackberries on top and press down slightly. Sprinkle with sugar and bake 45 to 50 minutes or until done.

Serve warm or at room temperature with whipped cream or ice cream.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. a quiet life says:

    i am just hanging my head… its not right to lust so early… but frankly this meal is making me sad, forlorn that i do not have it… its wrong to covet things i don\’t have… but i am…

  2. Linda says:

    Now I am really hungry!I got some beautful fresh blackberries this morning…maybe this cobbler is in our future!Just beautiful Ann!

  3. Nancy Yoakum says:

    Wow! That looks amazing! Well, all of your recipes do! Thanks so much for \”sharing\”. I\’m a firm believer in sharing recipes too. I love your blog!

  4. What a GREAT mom and cook..I bet Matt is just such a nice young man:)Great shots too!

  5. Sue says:

    I have a ton of blackberries in the freeze from when they were on sale…Now I know what\’s for dessert tomorrow night!! Thanks.

  6. Ann, this looks like an amazing dinner, and I\’m sure Matthew loved every bit of it!! Great dinner for him to bring his girl to! 😀

  7. dana says:

    Thanks again for a great dinner and having us for the night.

  8. Stephen says:

    Note to self: convince Matt to bring Jason and I with him next time. Looks amazing! 🙂

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