How to Cook Perfect Rice

Perfect separate grains of rice

Home Cookin Chapter: Recipes From Thibeault’s Table

Perfect Rice Every Time

If you want perfect rice every time, this is the method to use. I’ve been following this practice for over 30 years.

Bring a large pot of water to boil, as you would if you were cooking pasta. Salt the water and add one or two cups of rice. Let the rice simmer for about 6 minutes and then do a “bite” test. Like Pasta, the rice should be almost tender or “al dente”. When the rice reaches this point, drain well and put the rice back in the pot. Cover with either a tea towel or paper towels, put the lid back on the pot and let the rice steam in its own heat for 5 to 10 minutes. The rice is now ready to serve. Just fluff with a fork, and adjust seasoning, salt, pepper, herbs, etc…, and add butter (Optional). TIP: Don’t stir with a spoon as it crushes the tender grains of rice.

This works for every rice variety, including, wild, long grain, short grain, brown and basmati. Basmati takes the least amount of time to cook, usually between 7 or 8 minutes. Long Grain white rice between 9 to 11 minutes and wild rice will take considerably longer.

My favourite rice is Tilda Basmati. I buy it in 10 pound bags and use it for just about everything except in Asian dishes where I use Jasmine.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. You have a nice technique..I am such a microwave fan(Only for my rices) I worry about changing my luck..I can tell yours is just right too!I\’ll try yours one day!

  2. I don\’t have a problem cooking rice, but I\’ve told new cooks who have issues with it how you do it. It\’s won several people over!!

  3. Miette says:

    Many thanks for your tips !Cheers,Miette

  4. 2 Stews says:

    This is the best rice recipe I have ever tried! Absolutely flawless! Thanks for the post. I am including a basmati rice in my blog and will make a link to your blog and recipe! Your a genius! Pam

  5. Unknown says:

    Thank you, Ann.. This is my third time trying your perfect rice recipe, each time with a different variety of rice. Tonight is Red Thai Rice to go with dahl and a Green sweet potato curry. Yum!

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