Pancake Tuesday


I love, love, loooooove potato pancakes/latkes.

Any version .

Today I  tried a  potato pancake made with mashed potatoes, lightened with beaten egg whites.

These pancakes are so light and tender.

These could easily become my favourite. 

Moe had his with Canadian Back Bacon and  
 I had mine all on their own topped with sour cream.  
The recipe comes from The Daily Spud.  You can find the original recipe  here.  
The only changes I made were to use baking russet potatoes rather than a waxy potato  ( I never use waxy potatoes) and I added fresh ground black pepper and chives.  
Mere Blanc’s Potato Pancakes


with very minor changes.

2 small baking potatoes
1/4 cup milk
1/3 cup All-Purpose flour
2 eggs, separated
1-1/2 tablespoons heavy cream
Pinch of salt
Fresh chives
Butter for frying

Cook potatoes until tender.  Mash with a little milk.  Let potatoes cool before adding the remaining
milk, cream, flour, egg yolks, salt, pepper and chives.

Beat Egg Whites until stiff.  Fold into potato mixture.  Do not over mix.  This is a light but thick batter.

Heat a griddle or skillet. ( I used a rectangle electric frying pan) . Brush with butter.   Using a 1/4 cup  measuring cup drop batter on to griddle.  Cook until pancakes are brown and then flip.  Serve with sour

7 Comments Add yours

  1. My goodness, those look soo good! Gorgeous photos. By coincidence I have some mashed potatoes in the fridge, leftover from Sunday's dinner…and I was going to make potato cakes today. Your's look WAY better than the other version. Very nice!

  2. Linda says:

    OH girl…this looks absolutely delish!I have never had a potato pancake that looks like this one…I MUST try them! I am a latke girl but I only make them during Chanukah…these look wonderful!Thanks Ann!

  3. Daily Spud says:

    I'm so glad that you found, made and loved these, Ann – they're probably my favourite kind of potato pancake too 🙂

  4. I love, love potato pancakes!

  5. Big Dude says:

    I love potato pancakes, but have never seen any that fluff up like a real pancake – this is a must try and thanks for the link to the daily spud.

  6. km says:

    how many pancakes does the recipe yield?

  7. It has been a while since I made them. But the recipe doesn’t make a large number. Probably 8 or less depending on the size.

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